Life is one constant source of activity ... work, wife, mother, friend, creator, planner ... there is always something to do! I muse over people who say they are bored, there is so much to do and see and discover. I love the busyness and I also appreciate the need to be still and reflect and be grateful.
I am also amazed at the productiveness of others, especially those with young children. There are so many amazing women who look so organised and who constantly share the creative pursuits they follow - and they do so much of it! I don't get to bed till midnight most night and I still don't get as much completed!
So to all those wonderful women who produce abundant creations, I salute you!!
I have been not only working hard (who loves to do bookkeeping? Arrrgh!) but have had some time to do some of my favourite things - scrapping, card making and creating altered journals and photo albums. My christmas card making is ahead of schedule - yay!
Once I retrieve my camera from my teenage daughter, I will take some photos to share what I have done. Hopefully tomorrow.
So, till next time ...